Thứ Năm, 25 tháng 8, 2016

10 Karate Nerd Holiday Gift Ideas

Do you want awesome Karate gifts?asdadfasd
Of course!
Unfortunately, your friends and family might not understand what a Karate Nerd really needs.
Let me help them.
Today I’ve curated a list of 10 awesome Karate holiday gift ideas for you.
Send this to your relatives, friends & family to make their holiday shopping easier.
They will thank you… and you will thank them.
It’s a win-win!
Check it out:

1. “…In My Head I’m Doing Karate” Mug

A few weeks ago, I found a printed mug that says: “It might look like I’m listening to you, but in my head I’m doing Karate”. This might be the most accurate and hilarious mug I’ve ever seen. When I first found it, I posted a picture of it on my Facebook page and got a gazillion likes! Clearly, the message on this mug resonate with thousands of Karate Nerds around the world. I use mine every day. Get it here.

2. Shotokan Stylistic System Book

People send me tons of Karate books every week. Most of them are uninspiring. Some are good. A few are remarkable. This is one of them. If you want a beautiful historical iconographic exploration of the world’s most popular Karate style (Shotokan), you’ll love this work of art by Massimo Braglia. 620 pages, 2,5 kg (5.5 lbs) hardcover Karate Nerd brain candy. Get it here.

3. The Seishin Gi

Silky smooth, sharp, snappy, stylish & incredibly comfortable. Seishin is the world’s #1 Karate suit – created by Karate practitioners, for Karate practitioners. Loved by Japanese masters, international champions, passionate instructors and dedicated Karate Nerds. The 100+ 5-star customer reviews on the webshop speaks for itself. Available in both male and female sizes. Free shipping worldwide! Get yours here.

4. Shureido Wall Mount Makiwara

As a kid, I remember seeing old masters smash their makiwara, the traditional wooden striking post, in Okinawa. They had badass knuckles! (See a picture of master Hokama Tetsuhiro’s knuckles here). Almost every legendary Karate master used the makiwara, so why shouldn’t you? I recommend Shureido’s wall mount version. It can easily be installed, easily be removed, and has superior cushioning to protect your joints. The best makiwara you’ll ever own. Get it here.

5. Foam Roller

In our quest for developing strength and power in Karate, we often lose our suppleness and flexibility. But hardness is useless without softness. Get a foam roller. They are super easy to use, and will loosen up the stiff connective tissue (fascia) surrounding your muscles to aid the body’s natural recovery. Foam rollers have been used for many years in the strength & fitness world, but many traditional martial artists are still unaware of their existance and benefits. Get one here.

6. Training Journal

If I told you there was a dirt cheap tool that could boost your Karate like crazy, would you believe me? I hope so, because if you’re not writing a training journal you’re missing out on an idiot-proof opportunity to improve your Karate. You just need a notebook and a pen. After each Karate class, write down what went well, what went bad, what you can improve, and what you learnt. Gradually, this introspective process takes your Karate to new levels. Get one here.

7. KNX15 Videos (Digital Download)

KNX (The Karate Nerd Experience) is my annual exclusive seminar, where a limited number of dedicated Karate Nerds from around the globe gather to explore the art, science, knowledge and culture of Karate together with world-class instructors and secret guests. Every KNX is professionally filmed, so you can enjoy it from home. My latest high-quality videos from KNX15 are now available for instant download, which makes it the perfect gift if you want something quick and easy with high value content. Just put the vids on a USB stick! Get the KNX15 videos here.
BONUS: Use code “karateholiday” to SAVE $13 OFF. Discount expires in 72 hours!

8. Resistance Bands

I’ve seen people use weighted vests for Karate training. That’s good. But resistance bands are even better. Why? Because they enable multi-functional resistance exercises in the horizontal plane, which is more specific to the neuromuscular demands of Karate. You can strap the resistance bands to your wrists, ankles or waist. Moreover, they can be easily adjusted depending on what you’re practicing. Get yours here.

9. Bunkai-Jutsu Book by Iain Abernethy

If you’re interested in the practical application of kata (‘bunkai’), then look no further. This pioneering book is written by Iain Abernethy, the UK’s foremost expert on kata applications. What I like most about Iain’s work is his no-nonsense technical execution and thorough historical research. His bunkai is brutal, simple and direct. Get it here.

10. Ticket to a KbJ Seminar

I teach many Karate seminars around the world. In the coming months I’ll be in Melbourne, Mornington, Sydney, Manchester, Boston, Quebec, London and Scotland. A few of these seminars are sold out already, but others have tickets left. If you live near any of these places, why not come train with me? See all seminars here.
That’s it!
10 Karate Nerd holiday gift ideas.

Send this to your friends and family!

Happy holidays.

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