Thứ Hai, 15 tháng 8, 2016

Shotokan Karate Syllabus 9th Kyu Orange Belt Basics (Kihon)

This is the basic requirements for white belts (10th kyu) taking orange belt (9th kyu).
Kihon (basics) do vary from Dojo to Dojo, so please check for differences with your Sensei. Our 0range belt shotokan karate syllabus comprises of single techniques throughout, there are no combinations. Our 6th kyu shotokan karate grading syllabus, has the first combinations in our syllabus. We will be uploading a shotokan karate syllabus pdf as soon as we have finished all the filming, which you can use as a reference.
Many shotokan grading syllabus are similar, but there are many small variations, our shotokan orange belt syllabus consists of the basics (kihon) in this video, three step sparring (sanbon kumite) and the kata Kihon Kata or original name, Taikyoku Shodan (Taikyoku means first cause and Shodan means first step).

Shotokan Karate Syllabus 9th Kyu Orange Belt Basics

  1. Stepping forward oi zuki (stepping punch) in zenkutsu dachi (front stance) x4
  2. Stepping back age uke (upper block) in zenkutsu dachi (front stance) x4
  3. Stepping forward uchi uke (inside block) in zenkutsu dachi (front stance) x4
  4. Stepping back soto uke (outside block) in zenkutsu dachi (front stance) x4
  5. Stepping forward gedan barai (downward block) in zenkutsu dachi (front stance) x4
  6. Stepping back gedan barai (downward block) in zenkutsu dachi (front stance) x4
  7. Mae geri (front kick) from jyu kamae (free fighting stance) x4
  8. Mawate (turn) Mae geri (front kick) from jyu kamae (free fighting stance) x4

Video Showing The Zanshin 9th Kyu Grading Basics


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