It takes great timing and spirit, to move towards an on coming attack, but the counter strike can be devastating and it can also completely destroy an opponents attack and also give the defender a huge psychological advantage over the attacker.
This type of counter can cause a ‘Shock Attack’ on your opponent, a ‘Shock Attack’ basically means that as your opponent is about to strike you, you deliver a fast counter strike that they do not expect, it completely takes them by suprise, in their mind, they are about to deliver a devastating blow on you! But just before their attack reaches the target, your counter strike connects and completely shocks their whole body and mind, a ‘Shock Attack’ can instantly finish a fight and it is an area that all karateka should work on, especially where self defence is addressed.
1. Attacker – From left leg Jiyu-kumite no kamae (fighting stance), drive in with a right arm gyaku zuki jodan (reverse punch to the head)
2. Defender – From left leg Jiyu-kumite no kamae (fighting stance), drive towards the attack and simultaneously block age uke (upper block), gyaku zuki (reverse punch).
3. Attacker – From left leg Jiyu-kumite no kamae (fighting stance), drive in with a right arm gyaku zuki chudan (reverse punch to the body)
4. Defender – From left leg Jiyu-kumite no kamae (fighting stance), drive towards the attack and simultaneously block soto uke (outside forearm block), gyaku zuki (reverse punch).
5. Attacker – From left leg Jiyu-kumite no kamae (fighting stance), drive in with a right arm gyaku zuki gedan (reverse punch to the bottom of the stomache)
6. Defender – From left leg Jiyu-kumite no kamae (fighting stance), drive towards the attack and simultaneously block gedan barai (downward block), gyaku zuki (reverse punch).
Once this is completed, switch attackers. Also repeat on the right side Jiyu-kumite no kamae (fighting stance), as in the video below.
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