Chủ Nhật, 31 tháng 7, 2016

How to Bow in Karate

It's time for the big karate test! Or your first competition! If you don't bow correctly, that instructor will take off points! Not to worry, this is how you do it.


  1. Image titled Bow in Karate Step 1
    Make sure you have the right, serious look on your face. Look straight ahead (not at the instructors). Look determined and serious. Breathe normally. Don't smile, but don't look angry either.
  2. Image titled Bow in Karate Step 2
    Stand up straight and have a good posture. Your heels should be touching and your feet should be at a 45 degree angle. Keep your body very straight. Tuck in your behind. Your hands should be at your sides.
  3. Image titled Bow in Karate Step 3
    Face the front and bow. It is very important to bend from the waist. Keep your back straight and pause when you reach the correct depth which is about 30 degrees You would want to bow lower if the chief instructor is there, to show more respect.
  4. Image titled Bow in Karate Step 4
    Come back up to a straight position. Make sure you continue to breathe normally, look forward, and keep the serious look on your face.

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