Chủ Nhật, 31 tháng 7, 2016

How to Do a Basic Karate Punch

If you want to hit somebody, but don't know how, here is the tutorial for you.


  1. Image titled Do a Basic Karate Punch Step 1
    Place your right fist on your ribs, palm up.
  2. Image titled Do a Basic Karate Punch Step 2
    Punch out in a straight line, turning your hand over at the last second (Note:only turn your hand over 3/4 of the way - picture your hand at the 2 o' clock position on a steering wheel; this will allow your muscles to be properly aligned, generating the max amount of power).
  3. Image titled Do a Basic Karate Punch Step 3
    Target soft areas (neck, throat or stomach) for maximum effectiveness; if these targets are unavailable, aim for jaw, LEFT side of chest above the heart, back of the skull (if possible).
  4. Image titled Do a Basic Karate Punch Step 4
    Punch in a STRAIGHT line - straight out, straight back. This will make your attack faster and more effective.
  5. Image titled Do a Basic Karate Punch Step 5
    Keep your LEFT arm up near your jaw or temple to defend against any incoming attacks. Bring your RIGHT arm (which you just punched with) back as quickly as possible to defend yourself.

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  • Only use for self-defense
  • Don't go around punching people, you will still get owned.

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