Chủ Nhật, 31 tháng 7, 2016

How to Start a Karate Studio

If you'd like to start your own karate studio, you will need both an excellent understanding of karate and a good business head.


  1. Image titled Start a Karate Studio Step 1
    Decide what you will do for your karate business. Things to think about include:
    • Teaching children
    • Teaching adults
    • Running one-to-one lessons, clinics, group classes, etc.
    • Giving demonstrations of karate at schools, shopping centers, etc.
  2. Image titled Start a Karate Studio Step 2
    Convince people why should they start learning Martial Arts and why they should choose you to teach themselves or their children karate. Explain them its advantages and ensure people that you will take complete care of your students.
  3. Image titled Start a Karate Studio Step 3
    Decide on a name for the business. Make sure to check the names of other similar businesses in your region so that you don't choose the same names. Also consider something that makes it clear to people what your business is about.
  4. Image titled Start a Karate Studio Step 4
    Find a place to have your studio. Consider the following:
    • Accessibility for cars and people
    • If training outdoors, find a large, wooded spot.
    • peaceful setting, away from the distractions of normal life.
    • Proximity to likely clients, e.g., near a school, university, etc.
    • Secure property
    • Change rooms, restrooms , etc. - male and female
    • facilities for staff to use
  5. Image titled Start a Karate Studio Step 5
    Order the items needed for the studio. This will include:
    • Office furniture
    • Office electronic equipment (computer, etc.)
    • Karate uniforms, belts, etc. should be brought by the students
    • First Aid equipment
    • Other items
  6. Image titled Start a Karate Studio Step 6
    Know the local business rules about running a business. Find out what permissions are needed and obtain them. Get advice from the local business bureau, from a regional or national karate association etc. It is also important to know what rules to meet in relation to running a business that hosts a lot of people visiting your premises (e.g., you will need someone qualified in First Aid, etc.).
  7. Image titled Start a Karate Studio Step 7
    Advertise. When you open the business, you will need to get clients. You can organise a demonstration in which the people can easily imagine the outcome of learning with you. You can also advertise by other mediums like:
    • In local papers
    • On your own website
    • In sports stores
    • Through karate association newsletters, etc.
  8. Image titled Start a Karate Studio Step 8
    Create forms for teaching. Consider getting such information as:
    • Name, address, ages, etc.
    • A disclaimer re harm (get a lawyer's advice)
    • Interests, expectations of clients (suggestions), etc.

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