Chủ Nhật, 31 tháng 7, 2016

How to Get a Black Belt in GKR Karate

Go Kan Ryu Karate, which is known as GKR for short, is one of the largest karate styles in the world. There are many branches in Australia, New Zealand, the UK, and the USA. For many people who start karate, the goal is to become a black belt. Here is how.


  1. 1
    Enroll in karate classes. The first step is to start attending classes.
  2. 2
    Get started. Achieving a black belt in GKR takes a minimum of four years. For most people, it will take five to seven years, but it can take ten or more. Everyone has the ability to reach black belt if you stick with it. It will take longer if you are a young child, an older adult, train less frequently, have a disability, or have a medical condition, but it can be attained.
  3. 3
    Reach the rank of first Kyu. First Kyu means you are one grade away from black belt.
    • A first Kyu will wear a brown belt with two black tips on it. It takes at least three and a half years of training two to three times a week to reach a first Kyu.
  4. 4
    Keep going. Once you are a first Kyu, you become a black belt candidate, and you are training for black belt. Train as much as you can and attend any special classes available to you. Pay close attention to all corrections you are given, and work hard to fix them.
  5. 5
    Know all the basic techniques in GKR. You also need to be able to perform them to a very high standard. Attend public classes at least twice a week, and pay close attention to the corrections the Sensei gives to you. Practice at home in front of a mirror and video yourself to look for corrections.
    • Look to attend classes where the Sensei gives you real feedback.
  6. 6
    Be able to perform the following Katas: Taigyoku Shodan, Taigyoku Nidan, Saifa, Bassai Dai, Seunchin, Empi, Sanseru, and Sepai.
    • All must be preformed to an excellent standard.
  7. 7
    Be able to perform a variety of unseen combinations, using many basics.
  8. 8
    Be able to spar non contact with good control and respect.
  9. 9
    Show high levels of fitness.
  10. 10
    Show good levels of respect, effort, and attitude in all classes.
  11. 11
    Attend special classes. As you approach black belt, you will be invited to some special classes with your regional manager, who will assess you and give you any corrections you need to work on to be considered for your black belt. Make sure you fix these.
  12. 12
    Keep practicing. If the regional manager thinks you are good enough, you will be invited to an assessment with your zone director, who will decide if you are ready to attend the next black belt grading, or if you need more work and time.
  13. 13
    If you are approved, you will attend a black belt grading with your zone director. Family and friends may come to watch.
    • The grading will usually last around three hours.
  14. 14
    If you are successful, you will be awarded your Shodan Ho, which means provisional black belt. You will be given a belt and certificate. As a provisional black belt, you must wear a plain black belt without any Kanji on it.
  15. 15
    Wear a provisional black belt for at least one year before you can test for your full first Dan.

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