Chủ Nhật, 31 tháng 7, 2016

How to Do a Karate Punch in Shotokan

The simple, classic, basic karate punch in Shotokan. It is so direct, linear, and powerful that it can knock someone out with one punch. This is how you do it properly.

EditStanding Punch

  1. Image titled Do a Karate Punch in Shotokan Step 1
    Position yourself in a comfortable stance. You can be in Natural Stance, shizentai, but you can also be in the lower, horse riding stance, kiba-dachi.
    • Confirm your legs are the correct distance. For Natural Stance your legs should be shoulder width apart.
    • Keep your legs loose, ensure knees are soft/not locked.
  2. Image titled Do a Karate Punch in Shotokan Step 2
    Close your fist and bring it to your hips, palm up. Your fist should be nesting against your side.
    • Your body should be slightly relaxed but ready and focusing on the target.
    • You should choose one of two targets. If you want to punch to the body, chuudan, aim for just below the ribs, called the solar plexus. If you want to punch to the face,jodan, aim for the face. For safety, or if you feel you lack control, your instructor may ask you to aim just below the face rather than at the face.
    • Note punching at other parts of the body is not as effective.
    • If you are not practicing with a partner, imagine an opponent of your size in front of you.
  3. Image titled Do a Karate Punch in Shotokan Step 3
    Punch completely straight. Imagine a straight line from your fist to your centerline.
    • Keep you elbows in to keep the punch straight. The elbow should brush against your side.
    • Keep somewhat loose during the punch, until the very end.
  4. Image titled Do a Karate Punch in Shotokan Step 4
    Connect with your target. If you are practicing with a person, "connect" means, you stop just before actually hitting them. If you are using a target, such as a makiwara, you of course want to actually hit it.
    • Turn your fist over so the palm is now facing down.
    • Tighten your muscles as you land the punch. Ensure you are tightening not just your fist and arm, but your buttock, legs and hips.
    • Exhale. If you want, Kiai.
    • If you are advanced, add the hip vibration technique to maximize your power.
  5. Image titled Do a Karate Punch in Shotokan Step 5
    Repeat, or return to your starting position. Keep focus, do not go floppy.

EditLunging Punch (Oizuki)

  1. Image titled Do a Karate Punch in Shotokan Step 6
    Position yourself in front stancezenkutsu-dachi. Ensure your legs are in the correct positions, shoulder width apart.
    • If you look down at your front knee, you should see your knee is blocking your view of your foot. Your big toe should be just slightly to the inside, not 90 degrees but about 85.
    • Have someone test your stance by giving you push or two, to make sure you keep your balance.
    • Ensure your blocking hand is in front, and your punching hand is at nesting against your hip.
  2. Image titled Do a Karate Punch in Shotokan Step 7
    Move forward for the punch. Pull your back leg forward until it is in the same line as your front leg.
    • Do not rise up. Keep your head at the same level the whole time.
    • Keep your fist at your hip, same place.
    • You can extend your blocking fist if you want, but that is optional.
    • Move your back leg forward by sliding it, do not pick it up off the floor.
    • Your back leg should not move straight forward, but should move towards the center as it moves towards your body.
  3. Image titled Do a Karate Punch in Shotokan Step 8
    Lunge forward towards your target. Push off with your back leg, staying low, and keeping your fist nestled against your side.
    • Ensure legs are softly bent, to give you maximum power from the lunge forward.
    • Do not tense up.
    • Focus on your target, be it body or face.
  4. Image titled Do a Karate Punch in Shotokan Step 9
    Connect with your target. Roll your fist over to have your palm face down as you connect.
    • Exhale or Kiai.
    • Tighten your muscles as you strike. Your back leg should extend straight and your muscles should all tighten, so that the power flows from your feet all the way through to the punch.
    • The front leg returns to shoulder width distance to land in a strong position.
  5. Image titled Do a Karate Punch in Shotokan Step 10
    Return to your front stance position.

EditReverse Punch (Gyaku-zuki)

  1. Image titled Do a Karate Punch in Shotokan Step 11
    Know that the secret to an effective gyaku-zuki is in the hip rotation. The power is from the hips, just like it is in throwing a ball.
  2. Image titled Do a Karate Punch in Shotokan Step 12
    Position yourself in front stancezenkutsu-dachi. Ensure your legs are in the correct positions, shoulder width apart.
    • Have someone test your stance by giving you push or two, to make sure you keep your balance.
    • Ensure your blocking hand is in front, and your punching hand is at nesting against your hip.
  3. Image titled Do a Karate Punch in Shotokan Step 13
    Rotate your body. Start the rotation with your hips.
    • Your back leg is also adding to the force of the rotation.
    • Come around quickly, leaving your fist palm facing up nested against your hip.
    • Do not rise up, keep your head at the same height.
  4. Image titled Do a Karate Punch in Shotokan Step 14
    Rotate your hand and connect with the target. Bring your fist around so that it faces down right before you connect.
    • Hit on the center line of your target. Reverse punch using left hand or right hand should impact at the same place, in the center of the target.
    • As you connect, lock your body for a moment as you tense up to make maximum force.
    • Exhale or Kiai as you connect.
  5. Image titled Do a Karate Punch in Shotokan Step 15
    Return to ready position, or repeat.

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