Chủ Nhật, 31 tháng 7, 2016

How to Perform Basic Karate Skills

Karate is a complex martial art. It features a wide range of techniques, skills and moves that some people spend a lifetime studying. However, you don’t have to be a black belt to learn some basic karate moves! As you practice the basic moves, keep in mind that karate emphasizes poise, balance, and concentration.

EditMastering Front and Back Stance

  1. 1
    Begin by learning the basic front stance (Zenkutsu-dachi). Stand comfortably in a natural position. Your feet should be pointing forward and be a shoulder width apart.[1]From here, move your right foot forward about 2 feet (0.6 m), or approximately two shoulder widths apart.
    • Keep your torso and back straight.
    • Fix your eyes on an object in front of you.
    • Keep your eyes level and focused on the object as you move.
  2. Image titled Perform Basic Karate Skills Step 01
    Bend your right knee until it is directly above your right foot. If you look down, you should not be able to see any of your right toes. Approximately 60% of your weight should be on your right (front) leg and 40% on your left (rear) leg.
    • Your hips will remain facing forward.[2]
    • Fully straighten your left leg and lock your knee.[3]
    • You are now in front stance position.
  3. 3
    Return to a standing position for the back stance (Kokutsu-dachi). Put your hands on your hips, arms akimbo. Turn your head to look left and fix your eyes on an object. Take one step left, turning your left foot so that it points to the left. Your left foot should now be at an angle of 90 degrees to the right foot. Bend your left knee slightly.[4]
    • Your right foot should not move and continue facing forward.
    • Keep your entire torso facing forward as you do this.
    • Keep your eyes fixed on the object to your left.
  4. 4
    Bend your right knee and shift 70% of your weight to your right leg. Your right knee should bend so that it is directly above your right foot. Tuck your buttocks and keep your hips at a natural 45 degree angle.[5]
    • Your hands will remain on your hips.
    • You are now in back stance position.

EditPerforming a Straight Punch

  1. 1
    Return to a standing position for the basic straight punch (Choku-tsuki). Your feet should be a shoulder width apart. Make a fist with your left hand and pull your left arm into your body. The left fist should be at hip level with the knuckles facing up.
    • This is called the draw back position.[6]
    • Keep your draw back arm very close to your body.
    • Your elbow should be facing straight out behind you.
  2. 2
    Raise your right arm straight in front of you. It should be even with your right shoulder. Open your right hand, so that your fingers are fully extended and your palm is facing the floor.[7] Your torso should remain straight and facing forward.
    • Your head should not move.
    • Keep your eyes fixed on something in front of you.
    • Your left arm should still be in the draw back position.
  3. Image titled Perform Basic Karate Skills Step 05
    Start pulling your right hand back toward your right hip. As you do so, make a fist and begin to slowly rotate your hand 180 degrees to the right. While you are pulling back your right hand into the draw back position, simultaneously start pushing out with your left hand to make the punch.
    • Keep your left knuckles facing down, palms up.[8]
    • Keep both wrists and arms as straight as possible.
  4. 4
    Continue to slide your arms in opposite directions. As you slide your left arm forward and simultaneously pull your right arm back, they should meet in the middle, lining up side by side. When your arms become parallel, they will both have palms facing up. Your right arm should have rotated the full 180 degrees at that point.
    • The knuckles of both fists should be facing the floor.[9]
    • Keep your arms in close to your body.
    • Every time you slide an arm out of the draw back position, your forearm should brush lightly against your torso.
  5. 5
    Begin turning your left forearm and fist 180 degrees to the right. Extend all the way and then snap your wrist to the right so that the palm side is down. By the time your left hand is in the punch position, your right fist should simultaneously be at the draw back position at your hip. Your right knuckles will be facing the floor, palms up.[10]
    • That was your first straight punch.
    • The punch should follow a straight line. Keep your upper arm and the tip of your fist perfectly level.
    • When you practice the punch, there should be no bends in your wrist or arm.
  6. 6
    Repeat the straight punch from the new starting position. Now your right hand is at your hip in the draw back position and your left is extended in a punch. Just like before, you will push the hand at your hip straight out into the punch while simultaneously pulling your left hand into draw back position.[11]
    • Don't forget to twist your wrists.
    • When your arm is extended in a punch, fists should be knuckles up.
    • When your arm is in the draw back position, fists should be knuckles down.

EditLearning the Front Kick

  1. 1
    Get in front stance position to begin the front kick (Mae-geri). Your left foot should be forward and your left knee bent. Your right leg is back and completely straight.[12] You will be kicking with your right (rear) leg.
    • Your left foot will remain planted on the ground.[13]
    • Keep your back and torso erect.
    • Straighten your shoulders and face forward.
  2. 2
    Raise your right knee up in front of you. As you lift and bend your right knee, pull your right foot off the ground. Stop when your right heel is at the same height as your left knee. Keep your toes retracted – do not point them down.[14]
    • Keep your left foot firmly on the ground.
    • All of your weight should now be on the left leg.
    • Continue to keep your left knee slightly bent. This will help you with balance.
  3. 3
    Thrust your hips forward and kick your right foot out. Lean back slightly as you thrust your hips forward in a swinging motion. Starting with your big toe, kick your right foot forward quickly, with a snapping motion.[15] When your right foot is almost at maximum extension, start pulling your hips back into their normal position.
    • The striking surface is the ball of the foot. Continue to keep your toes retracted.
    • Don’t attempt to kick as high as you can. Work up to that.
    • For now, start with a lower level kick that comes naturally to you.[16]
  4. 4
    Pull your kicking foot back by bending at the knee. Your knee is essentially acting like a hinge. Bring your hips back into a normal position and pull the foot back very quickly.
    • The overall effect of the kick is similar to a towel snapping.[17]
    • End the kick by placing your right foot back on the ground in the starting position.

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